(918) 486-2158
Why do we give?
We give in order to show that God is worth more than our money. We give in order to fuel the work of our church in our congregation, our city, and around the world. Ultimately, we give because Jesus has given to us (2 Cor. 8:9). Giving generously is a responsibility of every member of our church who is able--and may also be good financial stewardship for those who are already faithfully giving to their own churches.
Scripture for Reflection: Psalm 50:9-12, I Chronicles 29:11-14, Deuteronomy 24:17-22, I John 3:16-17, II Cor. 8:1-15, Mark 12:41-44, Matthew 25:44, Luke 10:25-37

You can also give at our weekly worship service on Sunday. This is a way in which we worship by giving back to the Lord from what He has given to us. If you desire to give in this way you will find envelopes in the chair backs or we can send you envelopes for you to bring.